Thankfully the blog itself is intact, albeit in stasis, I don't have the classic woody avatar or the exploding volcano during a thunderstorm for some reason, I guess I've been de-personed. My SFW blog is still up, however, and since the tumblr bot is retarded I wonder if anyone can see SOME of my posts that are still in there.
Thank you bumblr, maybe one day where you stop sucking dick you'll go back to your former glory.
Impossible. Tumblr was sold to Yahoo, which was sold to Oath, which was sold to Verizon. The guy that made it left. And people need to eat. If this was a dick sucking contest, Tumblr would lose because it's being forcefully fucked in the ass while having a tape recorder stuffed down its throat spouting whatever the fuck their parent company wants them to say (because that's who they belong to regardless of what anybody wants and anything they say goes). It's very obvious Verizon doesn't give a shit about who's bleeding, who's getting hate, or what Tumblr staff actually think. They're just making Tumblr read a script to make the US government happy because some new amendment is being made by the name of FOSTA-SESTA which went nearly completely unnoticed because the media keeps putting useless shit on the forefront for their shit narrative and people spend too much time being outraged and jumping to shit conclusions. They probably got scared because no one is talking about it, so they just jump to the shit conclusion that it'll just pass with a garbage, exploitable wording so plenty of corporate espionage and shit people in general can get entire sites in plenty of legal trouble. It all makes sense why Apple kicked them off their platform. It's more reasonable to see why other apps could get the same hammer. It makes sense that this is even going on right now. It makes sense to get rid of the things that corporate believe will hurt them. But no, blame Tumblr. FOSTA-SESTA, who gives a shit, right?