Welcome to my thing, I draw the booby thing, the thing in general, will make a comic every now and then.
ty and God bless ya, bois

Pedro Oliveira @CaptainJingo

Age 29, Male

Brasília, Brazil

Joined on 11/19/18

Exp Points:
2,359 / 2,500
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5.71 votes
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CaptainJingo's News

Posted by CaptainJingo - August 30th, 2024

how are we gonna get over this??????????????????

(I just made a blusky)




Posted by CaptainJingo - August 13th, 2022

Looking for Voice Actors (paid or otherwise) on this project I've been working on-off for the past 3 years now.

It's Legend of Zelda related

It's NOT nsfw

It is somewhat of a meme. high effort meme. Played 100% straight.

You can choose to not have your name attached to it/Anonymous (DM me)

A considerable chunk of it has been finished but is currently on-hold until I can get the rest of the voices I need/storyboards.

I'm currently looking for someone that can VA:


Link's Dad who is a hunter

Link's mother

Link's Grandmother

Rauru (wise old man)

reiterating, this is paid, done semi-professionally.



Posted by CaptainJingo - April 9th, 2022

I've stopped using twitter on a daily basis like I used to, it's called quitting a Vice, in which I get upset because I use twitter and I use twitter and get upset that for the past year I've been bleeding followers and getting generally less and less traffic, it's been happening before and I pretty much verified it as a fact, something I'm doing, someone I'm following or something I posted a long time ago makes it so I'm being throttled and losing followers, and I can't keep up with that.

I don't like the trends. I don't like the waifu of the week. I don't like the memes or the current thing nor the opposite of it. It didn't used to be a problem early on, I'm still allowed to grow, but it's painfully obvious I don't get big enough a reach. My own followers have been telling me that they didn't know I started commissions, because some of them have been waiting a long time for it and twitter didn't show them my post whenever I put it up in exchange for something else.

I admit though, I'm not a fantastic PHENOMENAL artist that can effortlessly put up a nice detailed picture of a very stylish anime girl to get 40 thousand per post, I'm slow, I'm sloppy, and I'm losing heart, and I'm wishing I could start doing something else, even though I started this porn gig because literally it'd be the only way to stay relevant, so I'm stuck in this weird "I like it but I don't" situation in which everything that I don't like about being a furry porn artist has to do with the envoirment I'm forced to present myself to, which by default doesn't want to put me on equal grounds.

I now only use twitter for actual posting, which sucks because there's a lot of fantastic people that I follow, and not all of them use newgrounds, or pixiv or other alts, I don't like disabling retweets because sometimes I value their preferences enough I wanna see what they like (unless it's retarded political takes, then I seriously want to meet you in real life and shoot you.), and I honestly do like SOME of the shit twitter reccomends me, even though I didn't ask for it and it's 70% of my feed.

The advice I would've given to myself was to have blocked twitter and stopped using it sooner - it killed my productivity and mood for the good entirety of the past 2 years, the fact that I can have some peace of mind and not stop what I'm doing to see retardation on twitter has greatly improved my input and art has become more or less enjoyable to make again. I can't be upset about losing followers or not doing numbers if I don't even know about those in the first place.



Posted by CaptainJingo - February 22nd, 2022

How could this happen? Seriously. 150 million units sold WORLDWIDE, which means there should be MILLIONS of original PS2 controllers everywhere, right? WRONG. 

I Remember when my PS2 controller broke in 2008, I knew what that was like, I since bought bootlegs upon bootlegs and they all BROKE, the surviving ones are all SHIT and FUCKING AWFUL because they designed by some poor chinese bootlegger at GUNPOINT and it was ONE THING OR THE OTHER, PRESSURE SENSITIVE OR ANALOG STICKS? most of the time? NEITHER.

I have 6 or 7 of these lying around my house, turning it into a landfill of broken PS2 controllers, all of them broken the same way, and all fucking H model, what was the issue? R2 button goes apeshit, and then other buttons following it, seems like a simple mechanical fix, right? Just clean it up with IPA and it's done, right? WRONG. DEAD WRONG.

Cleaning it? Doesn't help. Reflowing the solder? I SHORT CIRCUITED THE FUCKING THING, soldering a new pin connector in? IT DOESN'T WORK. Buying a controller that's not an H model and seems to be working? That's what I did that oooohhhhh.

Ooooh this new fucking A model I bought, let me tell you.

First off, I paid 90 reais for this shit. With the same amount I bought a Wii Classic Controller that works FLAWLESSLY, I bought Star Wars the Force Unleashed because for whatever reason it doesn't work pirated, it works NICE, I opened up a PS3 controller to clean it up, almost fucked it up, closed it back up and it's a JOY to play games with. This overpriced piece of shit I bought?

It was claimed to be original, and yet the rubber pads were shitty bootleg, the analog sticks weren't sensitive at all and were this weird shitty bootleg, the pressure pads are SHIT, the face buttons are wobbly and fragile and for whatever reason look like they were sanded, the cradle holding the PCB and flex cable is some shitty fragile gray BOOTLEG piece, at this point I have to wonder if this controller is ORIGINAL AT ALL.


But whatever, I did my thing, cleaned it up, did what I could with the analog sticks that are too stiff and squeaky and don't actually have any real sensitive movement to them, put it back together and guess what? THE R2 BUTTON DOESN'T WORK FOR SOME FUCKING REASON




how the FUCK is there so few original PS2 controllers on the second-hand market and they cost a fucking FORTUNE JUST to be this shit? I DON'T BELIEVE IN WORKING PS2 CONTROLLERS. I'M AN ATHEIST, ODD TINKERING YOU LIED TO ME.

Sony must've made a deal with the devil, to sell shitloads of PS2s, but the caviat being that there would be NO WORKING CONTROLLERS FOR IT IN THE WORLD. EVER.


My list of PS2 controllers

1. 2007 OG PS2 controller that came with my PS2 Slim (ribbon cable touched contacts in the MB, died in a power outage that shorted it)
2. 2007 Bootleg PS2 controller that my parents bought alongside it (Don't know what became of it, but it probably broke as well)
3. 2007 Wireless transparent one with cool watertanks on the handles (I actually really liked this one, don't know what ultimately became of it.)

After I got my Wii in 2009 I kinda forgot about my PS2

4. 2011 Bootleg hardware store controller I bought in either 2010 or 2011, it was actually good and useful and had pressure sensitive buttons, I beat MGS2 and 3 with it. That's how good it was. (Don't know how it broke or why I got rid of it)
5. 2011 USB/PS2 Bootleg hardware store controller 2, I thought I'd just get the same model but I couldn't find it and settle for this one, which I thought would be a cool bargain because it was also a USB controller (I still have it, it broke because the wires all fucked up inside and I couldn't open it because all the shell screws got STRIPPED
6. 2017 Bootleg POS1, my 2011 USB controller still barely worked over the years but it reached a point where the cables inside probably just snapped and it wasn't worth the hassle anymore, which meant buying this new one that still works and has pressure sensitive buttons, but the analog sticks are AWFUL. PRETTY MUCH DIGITAL BUTTONS
7. 2017 Bootleg POS2, a replacement for the previous one, except I wanted something that looked COOL and TRANSLUCID, it still works but unfortunately the analogs are TERRIBLE, though not as bad as the previous, and there is NO pressure sensitive buttons, making MGS2 IMPOSSIBLE to play.
8. 2021 H Model "Rio", during a trip to Rio I bought a 20$ reais controller off the street that I almost got MUGGED trying to get. "An Original Sony Model that I can Save!!!" - or so I thought. I worked so much on it it practically became the controller I Mengele or cannibalize it out of.
9. 2022 H Model "Sticky", during a visit to my cousins, I spotted a whole PS2 Slim with Component cables and 4 controllers (2 OG, 2 bootleg), which I've brought home to clean up and hope it works better than the previous one, or that at least it's broken in some other place, and I was WRONG. it was BROKEN THE SAME WAY RIO WAS
10. 2022 H Model "Yellow", I call it that because the face buttons were yellowed, while the previous one was because the analog sticks were "sticky", but that's about it, because other than that, IT'S STILL NONFUNCTIONAL THE SAME WAY RIO AND STICKY WAS
11. 2022 A Model "Ninety", a cannibalistic joke of a controller using parts from million different sources resulting in a complete shithole of a controller that's a mess to play with, and that's because I'm being extremely generous over whether it actually is an original, the analog sticks are mediocre, stiff and squeaky, the buttons are wobbly and sink into the shell, and every other part of this controller was probably ordered from ALIEXPRESS.



Posted by CaptainJingo - February 11th, 2022

While people had a rise in making fun of the cryptobros who paid 3 million dollars for a copy of the concept book for Jodorowsky's Dune, I couldn't help but note the mean spirited retardation from retards who don't know anything about how the transaction works nor did they had any idea of the operation and how it's being conducted.

Number 1: No, Jodorowsky's Dune is NOT available online for free. Those aren't scans, they're fan-made compilations of screencaps from documentaries and publicly released material from varying sources gathered in an attempt to present the most complete unnoficial version without EVER having touched one of the 20 copies of the book.

Number 2: No, it hasn't leaked online either. ONE of the earlier drafts with artwork made before Moebius' involvement were indeed bought by a collector who has shared it with the community in the form of an outline, but obviously for legal reasons IT CANNOT BE SHARED in its actual entirety.

And finally Number 3: It's NOT a copy of Frank Herbert's Dune. It's CONCEPT ART for Jodorowsky's Dune, meaning that ALL of the artwork produced by Moebius, Chris Foss, HR Giger, Dan O' Bannon, Salvador Dali, PLUS the budgeting details, actors and crew bios, shooting scheduling and FULL SCRIPT AND STORYBOARDS are compiled there. It was a book supposed to circulate within Hollywood shareholder circles to prove the viability of the project, NOT a mere pitch document that can be downloaded off the internet.

So you can probably get an idea of how aggravating it is to see people use this as an excuse to poke fun at cryptofags for "not understanding how things work and making an ass of themselves", when they themselves have no fucking clue of what's going on, and these people feel like they have the right to VOTE. jeez.

If the project is real, and there is a chance an animated Jodorowsky's Dune is made, I would be the first one to champion it. I even wrote a little request to the animated studio doing it (if they ever do it), not as a fact that THIS would make the film better, but that to me, it would be the most fulfilling and unique way of doing it, at the risk of sounding like a pretentious idiot.

Thank you, and God bless you.


I think if a Jodorowky's Dune animated film should ever be made, it should not only honor the artists that worked on concepting, storyboarding and production design of the film, it should honor the film techniques and cinematography of the period as close as possible.

It shouldn't look like an animated film, it should look like a big budget science-fiction film would look shot in the 70s, before Star Wars, before ILM, which means film grain, gate weaving, emulating the look of how they were going to shoot it, be it Technirama, Todd-AO or VistaVision. Going out of your way to emulate stop motion creatures, optical printings and chemical compositing, backscreen projections, clunky animatronics and motion controlled camera work.

The Moebius designs shouldn't look like Moebius drew them, they should look like what one of those costumes would look like if it was physically tailored and worn by an actor, the characters mustn't look unspecific or exactly as they were drawn on the page, they should look like the actors that were going to play them, David Carradine, Orson Welles, Charlotte Rampling, Mick Jagger.

The sets need to look like sets, and matte painting extensions must look like how matte painting extensions used to look like.

Because NOT having been made in the 70s IS part of Jodorowsky's Dune's identity, the historical denial that was getting this film made. You have a chance to make it real and to make it truly appealing and to have an extremely UNIQUE look to everything. Peter Jackson recreated the lost King Kong deleted scenes with the same techniques used in the original 30s King Kong, Brad Bird went back and animated new scenes for the Iron Giant in traditional 2D animation, it's totally viable, and it's what I dream of.




Posted by CaptainJingo - December 31st, 2021

Oops I got entangled in a bunch of side projects this year and didn't care much about anything else other then work i'm such a clutz xDDd that's such an Aquarius thing to do xDDDD

Real talk though, I went into this year not wanting to be like the previous one, in which my picture turn-out was slower, but Oh well. I'll do better in 2022, you'll see.


Posted by CaptainJingo - August 4th, 2021

This is a warning concerning artists that like to entertain the idea that they DON'T want to become mentally ill or thinking the next Great Terror will come from the people that say the n****r word online - be careful of people that capitalize on the drama of the week, or FAGGOTS as I like to call them. These absolute wastes of carbon will come for you for absolutely anything, and I've shared experiences with lesser artists that got absolutely doxxed and harrassed for even LESS. Make no mistake, these are people who missed a good beating as a child, they'll applaud humanity's resume into the long steady march towards becoming absolutely helpless to extreme poverty, state and street violence and technocratic dystopianism while proclaiming themselves the "Good guys". don't be afraid to treat them as the scum they are, it's sad but there are kinds of people that need to be looked down at, abstaining from doing that makes them gather numbers, and this is how I've seen some artists disappear.

If you suffered from this, please know that it's literally just drama of the week and the wise decision is to sit it out and carry on like nothing's happened, are you seriously scared people will call you racist online and deny you sympathy? did you ever need them before? For God's sake, have some strong foothold in your life. In any case, don't stop. Never stop. Keep drawing because it's your calling, and do whatever you want whenever you feel like it, "the only people that wanna bring you down are below you".

So what's the trick, Jingo? What do you do when someone with thousands of followers is spreading my private discord messages around and putting me in blacklists because I happen to follow Shadman on Newgrounds? Falsely accusing others of being pedophiles while spreading my deadnames around? First off, and I don't believe I have to state this - is to never put on the internet shit you don't want shown. don't talk to people you don't trust about stuff that's too delicate to you, and honestly, make your true personality very clear to people first hand, "I don't support the side that sucks baby-rapist dick", it's really simple.

"If you don't know how to despise, you don't know how to respect." By my experience it means flat out cutting communications with people and sitting drama out, but seeing people become affected by it usually means the lot of you aren't prepared or aren't mentally strong/mature to deal with it, so work on that, it'll help real life, too.

And with the state of social media as is, you kinda have to put on your big boy pants too. It would be nice if people migrated to other sites and formed their own communities, but the truth of the matter is, they'll never be as popular as Tumblr or twitter, and a lot of people just can't give up the dopamine. And the other half will go "NOOOO YOU CAN'T GO TO OTHER SITES, THEY'RE LITERALLY WHITE SUPREMACIST SHITHOLES, YOU HAVE TO STAY IN TWITTER WHERE YOU'LL GET BRAIN DAMAGE FROM HOW RETARDED PEOPLE HERE ARE AND RUIN YOUR COGNITIVE CAPABILITIES FROM SELF-CENSORING SO MUCH". The Indio inside me thinks this is all really weird and tiring, so I'm just trying to survive this.



Posted by CaptainJingo - April 15th, 2021

gonna go out and buy some cigarettes.


Posted by CaptainJingo - April 5th, 2021

He is risen.


Posted by CaptainJingo - April 2nd, 2021

Not working on any new pictures. Too much stuff happening, one among them is my absolute distaste that ultimately resulted in temporarily blocking Twitter as a means to spare me from seeing celebrities comitting sacrilege or what the fuck else, not like I care but I still don't want to see it, since these next few days are important. though from seeing just how many of my followers are called satan or lucifer, angel of light (like gee, are you all actually him or is it a competition?), more and more I feel like I'm being driven into making a choice in which the result is Very Predictable. as much as I try to believe that one can draw porn and still be of sound mental health. I'm a human above all, and given how fucking retarded everyone's been behaving lately, a fight or flee response is only natural.