After forsaking my twitter account right as a thousand people come to see me draw coco only to get nothing and even more nothing in response, I bravely set forth on my path of STILL forsaking my poor twitter followers in my quest of not giving anyone what they want, I might be done with TGT but not with a dozen other projects I now have to play catch-up to. My deepest apologies to all my fans/friends/loved ones who expect something from me but I can't really promise anything.
It doesn't help that lately the entire country has been hit with this absolutely unbearable heat wave. I feel sick on a daily basis. But other than that, everything has been just peachy.
EdIT: Oh yeah, turns out newgrounds is glitched on my version of chrome, I can't access it and it sucks. I also spilled water on my keyboard and now my d and shift keys don't work, I have to copy paste the letter d now, or at least until I buy a replacement keyboard and get it fixed which from the way my life is paced, it won't be a thing until next year. But yeah, everything's fine and I love you all.
EdIT2: guys it's not that bad, lol
God bless.
Can confirm, the heat wave is fucking awful.